Created Based on the Content Operations Demand in 2021. Scaleflex is Proud to Present The New Filerobot Hub

Fast paced innovations in the tech world are making SaaS entrepreneurs run on their toes. You can never stay calm when there is another change coming right around the corner.

This is why the Scaleflex R&D team never sleeps!

In coherence with new technological advancements and evolving client requirements - we have developed our brand new Content Operations and Digital Asset Management - Filerobot Hub!

This is an important milestone in our mission to transform Content Operations, by introducing new Collaborative DAM (Digital Asset Management) features.
These will work side-by-side with the current Headless DAM Filerobot APIs you have been using to upload, store, manage, optimize and accelerate your digital assets from one place.

Guided tour through Filerobot new UI and Asset Hub

Here is a quick tour of what challenges our Asset Hub has resolved (you can test out all of them right now!)

Challenge 1: Time-consuming and ineffective management of media - product images, videos and other types of content

We solved this problem by creating an Asset Hub - a centralised source of truth for uploading, managing and delivering digital assets, such as images, videos, PDFs and static files... in a beautiful, modern and customizable UI.

Asset Hub provides a clean and easy-to-navigate overview for all of your uploaded content.

Moreover, our admin console now has an advanced filtering system which allows you to find the needle in the haystack!

You have the opportunity to filter by file name, size, creation or modification date and tags, but also by image style, orientation, resolution, number of faces, and many more. You can easily identify duplicated media or assets in your library, with the ability to see how many there are in total, their location in the library, and access them directly if needed.

Challenge 2: Gathering all product information in one place and navigating effectively through metadata and tags

The new Asset Hub has customizable, multilingual taxonomy - for easy PIM integration, or PIM-light functionality.

  1. Metadata
  2. Automatic & manually translatable tags

The new taxonomy system is now a more flexible, more configurable 'tag bank' that will allow you to easily establish relevant relationships between assets, and will be more forgiving for fuzzy searches. It also natively comes with a multi-language compatibility and translation function.

Challenge 3: Establishing fast and productive internal/external team collaboration

Cross-team communication can be lengthy, often without a productive output to show for it. Minutes are wasted on sharing heavy media files, explaining how to access them and finding a proper way to communicate the changes needed.

Filerobot created Annotations, a feature that lets you pin point constructive comments on your media, to enable more accurate and efficient collaboration between different teams and departments. Annotations behave like the streets between main teams and are navigating them for fast paced collaboration.

Furthermore, internal and external team collaborations now have direct integration with Airbox & Sharebox - Filerobot's functionalities that allow for fast and secure sharing of media (in bulk), with internal and external parties.

Challenge 4: The ever-growing need to optimize all media files for the web, to ensure fast and beautiful experiences for end-users

Filerobot to the rescue!

The new Asset Hub has many features that will enable you to run your content operations smoothly, including:

  • Image variants for optimal publishing on social media channels - all dimensions available on a single click of the button
  • Advanced image management features like background removal, face count and many more
  • Built-in image editor (Photoshop in a browser) - make all required light-edits to your media (crops, filters, resizes, watermarks and more) without having to leave the Asset Hub, helping to streamline your content operations
  • On-the-fly image optimization and video transcoding - you heard it right! Video Transcoding and adaptive streaming are now available in Filerobot DAM

Further details about this new release are available in our Documentation and Changelog.

Filerobot's mission is to simplify the creation and delivery of beautiful and fast digital experiences to your end-users.

Schedule a free demo to experience these features first-hand and help understand how Filerobot can work for you!