Emil Novakov, Scaleflex: “We should all be educated as early as possible on how to behave on the internet”

To talk about the possibilities brought by this technology, Cybernews invited Emil Novakov, CEO of Scaleflex – an international SaaS startup with a mission to simplify the recurring tasks involved in developing a website, online store, and mobile and desktop applications.

How did the idea of Scaleflex originate? What has your journey been like?

"On a cold winter night in Paris, in January 2017, my co-founder and I realized that the increase of images on the web and mobile applications were greatly improving the user experience on the Internet. However, this was coming with additional Internet bandwidth requirements and eventually slower applications.

On one hand, visual content was bringing more and more value to Internet users, but on the other, web and mobile applications were getting slower and slower. So we decided to fix it by building Cloudimage, a Cloud-based image server and CDN that resizes, compresses and accelerates images on-the-fly for all customers relying heavily on images.

As we got the opportunity to talk to more and more customers, we decided to add support for video as well and build a platform to act as a single source of truth for all media assets within the company. This is how Filerobot was released 2 years ago, first as a Headless DAM (Digital Asset Management) for developers and then last year as a collaborative DAM for marketers and creators."

Can you introduce us to your media asset management solutions? What are their key features?

"We currently provide 2 B2B SaaS:

  • Cloudimage: On-the-fly media optimization and multi-CDN acceleration to save time preparing images for publication and accelerate their delivery
  • Filerobot: a Digital Asset Management platform for various teams to upload, store, categorize, collaborate, optimize and publish media assets such as images, videos, and product documents on multiple channels.

Cloudimage is fully integrated into Filerobot, meaning that customers purchasing Filerobot will automatically benefit from the Cloudimage value proposition around media optimization and acceleration."

What are the best practices companies should follow when developing, and, when launching a website?

"One aspect people usually put on the back burner is scale and performance. Obviously, when you launch a new web or mobile application, you need to make trade-offs between, among other things, time-to-market, quality, UX, scale, and performance.

Often, scale and performance are the easy trade-off candidates, but they usually become the biggest problem when they become relevant. This is exactly the problem we are trying to solve for our customers at Scaleflex: help them build scalable, flexible, and performant applications from day 1, without trade-offs."

Read the full interview here.